Every gardener should have (February Garden Notes)

Just a few suggestions to make gardening easier, more productive, and more fun !

  • A pump sprayer. Nearly all weedkillers and insecticides are now sold ready-to-use, but most are also available as concentrates. These are far more economical, and applying with a pump sprayer is far quicker than with a hand spray. The benefit will be particularly noticeable on large areas.
  • A flexi-tub. Useful for dunking plants, collecting weeds, pouring, storing, carrying and mixing.
  • An enclosed plastic compost bin. Use for uncooked vegetable and fruit peelings to give worms an ideal environment to break them down into a rich, dark compost.
  • A bird table. Coupled with a squirrel-proof bird feeder, it is always fascinating to see the rich variety of birds which will suddenly appear when food is available. A bird bath (regularly cleaned) is a lifeline for them too.
  • A wildlife area. However small, an area of unmown lawn, a pile of wood and twigs will quickly attract an array of wildlife and beneficial insects.
  • 2 pairs of gloves. One heavy duty to cope with the rigours of winter, the other thinner for more precise work such as pricking out and weeding. Showa gloves are a reliable range that many professionals use.
  • Tools : a half-moon edger to keep crisp lines between borders and lawn. Not forgetting a sharp pair of pruners always at the ready for cutting back dead wood, and a swoe-style hoe for manual weeding and tidying borders.
  • A colourful front porch. Whatever the weather, there is always a selection of plants suitable for a seasonal pot display to provide a welcoming display.
  • A snow shovel – just in case !

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